Thursday, March 1, 2012

DIY Detox

Found this thread and wondering if anyone on this forum has any experience and results doing this? There's also this zapper product I found a reference to: it increase white blood cells, cure for cancers, HIV, parasites, and more. Any inputs would be appreciated.

Ever since the days of Linus Pauling, millions of people have taken vitamin C
for all manner of health challenges, with good results. Its antioxidant power
can help almost all organs of the body, and strengthen collagen and blood
vessels. To deal with serious diseases like cancer required costly mega-doses of 50 or 100 grams per day, administered by IV. But intravenous vitamin C was beyond the means of most sick
people, and impractical for preventative use.

There is a wonderful story of a farmer in New Zealand who was dying

of swine flu (and also, leukemia). His family insisted on vitamin C infusions
by IV, but the hospital only did a few, then refused to continue despite evident
improvement. His family refused to give up, and their persistence saved his
life. See the video here:

... Living Proof: Vitamin C - Miracle Cure? - Video -

... The amazing story of a King Country dairy farmer who caught swine flu and very nearly died.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Anti Aging Formula from Dr. Oz and Montel Williams

An anti-aging formula from Dr. Oz & Montel Williams:
  1. Morning: coconut, watermelon, pineapple, spinach, green apple.
  2.  Chlorophyll combined with 1000 units vitamin D3 helps absorption and activation.
  3. B-12 megadose injection (1 ml)9$1.80/day). Yet Dr. Oz says he favors a B complex sub-lingual lozenge under the tongue, certainly cheaper.
  4. Mid afternoon: 3 root tea consisting of rhodiola, ashwaganda, and shisandra.
  5. Evening: garlic infusion, ten cloves crushed. He uses garlic as an ingredient in different dishes, soup, chicken, etc.
  6. For pain before bedtime: 30 drops of hops extract in water. Says it is a great anti-inflammatory, quells throbbing pain. Likes a foam roller for pain. Dr. Oz says  that a roller can help the lymphatic system release toxins.